Conservation Commission


The mission of the Hampton Falls Conservation Commission is to preserve and protect the natural resources of the town including its watersheds, forests and wildlife habitats.  We serve to promote proper utilization of these resources through education, advising other boards on environmental issues, and maintaining a natural resources inventory.

What We Do

  • Keep an index of all open space and natural or ecological areas and keep an index of all marshlands, swamps and all other wet lands within the town in a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI). RSA 36-A:2
  • Recommend a program for the protection and use of the natural areas in the index.
  • Review and comment on Planning Board issues related to wetlands
  • Receive gifts of money and property in the name of the town.  Such gifts to be managed by the Conservation Commission.
  • May acquire, in the name of the town, land or water rights.
  • The Conservation Commission has stewardship of all town-owned and conserved land, and monitors these sites for violations of wetland protection regulations and terms of conservation easements.
  • Review applications for Dredge and Fill permits to be filed with NH Department of Environmental Services Wetlands Bureau.

The Conservation Commission typically meets monthly, on the second Tuesday at 6:30 PM at Hampton Falls Town Hall.


Shawn Hanson


Lou Gargiulo

Selectmen's Representative

Paul Melanson


Cathy Golas


Robert K. Wiener


Ann Reis


Karen Ayers
