
Description of Services
Property record cards, that show the information upon which assessments are based, are available online and at the Town Hall for review and/or copying.  Copies of tax maps are also available online or at the office. When visiting the Town Hall to obtain copies of property cards or tax maps, please go to the Tax Collector's office.  That office is open Monday, through Wednesday 8:00 AM- 3:30 PM, Thursdays 8:00 AM to 6:00 PM, closed Fridays.

The Assessing Agent is a very part-time employee and is only in the office 1 day a month. If you wish to meet with the Assessing Agent, sign up for an appointment through this link..         Link to Calendar

You also can reach out to the Assessor via email at

The last Statistical Update/Revaluation of all property was done for April 1, 2023. The NH Assessing Standards Board requires that we "create the values anew" once every 5 years. The next Update is scheduled for April 1, 2028.

The level of Assessment calculated by the Department of Revenue Administration for 2023 was 99.9%.

Staff Contacts

Name Title
Chad Roberge Assessor